Building that deck or covering that large empty patio and creating beautiful outdoor entertainment and living areas was probably one of your favorite ideas for your home thus far. But now that you have that project completed, you are still looking at a fairly empty area that needs to be addressed. Don’t waste money on cheap plastic seating and furniture. It doesn’t last long and it only takes a few months for it to look bad. You also don’t need to worry about hiring an expensive designer. Here are three fabulous ideas that will take your outdoor space and create a high-end design look that will last for decades.
Teak wood furniture.
You might not be able to invest in dozens of pieces of teak wood furniture all at once, but this is definitely the direction you want to go in. Teak wood is famous for its weather- and water-resistance, mold and mildew resistance, and pest resistance. It’s strength and durability will outlast your weather and your sticky-fingered children.
If you must start with a few pieces and build over the coming years, start with a couple nice Adirondack chairs and perhaps a storage bench. Your storage bench can hold your fun outdoor games and cards that you might like to play with guests. Or, if you have a pool, this would be great storage for pool toys. The high oil content in teak will resist mold from setting water and will keep pests away from your pool items.
Teak wood structures.
You can create an amazing children’s play place with teak wood that will thrill your children, and eventually your grandchildren. The teak wood structure will last like no other wood and will provide hours of fun and imaginative play. Start with a simple activity area for a swing and slide, and build onto it as you want. Mini-cabins and forts are great fun for little boys and girls. These buildings will grow with your children, too. After they tire of the “No Girls Allowed” clubs and Justin Bieber fan clubs, your kids will use them for quiet times of reading and homework.
Teak wood pool tiles.
If you do have a pool, teak wood is a perfect option for tiles around your pool. Many pool areas have concrete or some type of ceramic or other tile, but teak will provide a much safer surface for you, your family, and your guests. Teak wood has a natural non-skid surface to it and because it is the prime choice for shipbuilders and yacht decks, you know it is going to withstand the water around your pool.
Teak wood specialists can install beautiful patterns around your pool to provide you with a unique custom look that will be the envy of your friends and neighbors.
There are definitely plenty of options for outdoor living and pool decking, but nothing will withstand the weather and the use like teak wood. Teak wood is an investment because you will still have the beauty of your teak wood furniture and structures for decades if not longer.